Fall Picnic/Worship

Please plan to join us for our second Worship/Picnic this summer at Taughannock Falls State Park. We will gather at the Central Shelter 10:45 am, with the Worship service to begin at 11:00 am, and a picnic lunch to follow. Details in the image on the left, or in printable .pdf form here.

Peace Camp 2024

Peace Camp for Kids: August 8 & 9, 5:30-8:30 pm and August 10, 10 am- 2 pm.  Please contact Pastor Debbie [email protected] or Laura Ward [email protected] if you want to help or have kids you would like to invite.

Holy Week 2024

Here’s the schedule for services during Holy Week. For a downloadable .pdf version of this poster, click here.

Lent 2024

Going Deeper on our Spiritual Journeys: Learning together in Lent
Please join us for these programs on five Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 p.m., starting on February 21 and continuing on February 28, March 6, 13, and 20 in person and on Zoom.   We will use videos, experiential learning, and personal sharing to explore Centering Prayer and other spiritual practices that can deepen our spiritual lives. If you’d like to see a video recording of a session you missed, please visit the Going Deeper playlist on our YouTube channel.

Walk the Labyrinth at First Baptist

Walk the labyrinth at First Baptist to welcome in the New Year! Each year in late December and early January the sanctuary at First Baptist is converted to a labyrinth. This year the labyrinth will be open for those who wish to walk its calming path on the dates and times listed on the poster to the left.

Christmas and Advent 2023