While we prefer to see you in person or on our Zoom screens for worship on Sunday and enjoy real-time fellowship with you, we understand that sometimes things get in the way of Sunday morning participation. At other times you may have found a sermon particularly inspirational and want to hear it again.
Simply click on the date and title below to hear an audio recording of that week’s Scripture and meditation.
September 6, 2020: Community of Love and Grace - Rev. Debbie B. Reynolds |
August 30, 2020: Destiny in Desolation - Anthony Halmon |
August 23, 2020: Well-behaved Women Rarely Make History - Edie Reagan |
August 9, 2020: Take Heart! Be Not Afraid! - Rev. Debbie B. Reynolds |
August 2, 2020: What We Need Is Here - Rev. Debbie B. Reynolds |
July 26, 2020: Where is Our Hope? Where are Our Hearts? - Rev. Debbie B. Reynolds |